Custom Outfits/Ref Interest Check

Posted 3 years, 11 months ago by keito

Hewwooo I've been really obsessed with FrenkyHW's base lately and was wondering if anyone would be interested in base transfers/custom outfits?


It'll be a naked version and an outfit for $35 and $15 for each additional outfit! This base also comes with a backside ref if you want that!

This base comes with female and male presenting versions and I can remove nsfw bits if desired! Both human and anthro/furry characters are ok! I can edit body types slightly (but nothing major like adding a lot of muscle, etc).

Hmu via comments or dms if interested!


all mine


ur art so sexy ily

Me @ u????? Sexy toe

ohh i love this!! i'd totally be interested <3

Ofc!! Feel free to shoot me a dm! ^ o ^

yeshh i buy 50

Slaps your bum hard

farewell, sexy...

OH ID 100000% BE INTERESTED!!! would you do like Dreamies on the base? (adding the tail balls baically and ears) ;v; ((i really like your art style haha))

Waaa thank you so much! ;;;; u ;;;;;; // <3
I can definitely add dreamy traits in! Just lmk which traits they are and I can go off of Beau's species sheets!

awesome!! ill pm you either in a moment or a few hours :,D (im about to leave for class so i have no clue haha)

Yeah no worries! Feel free to shoot me a dm (or I can give you my discord) when you're ready!