Lf art~

Posted 4 months, 7 days ago by Keruumon

Hiyaa, it’s 2am but I can’t sleep cause I keep getting consecutive sleep paralysis, yaytumblr_ltj47iTYGK1r17znu.gif it was a little funny cause there was voices which I don’t usually get, so it was like listening to a podcast while being crushed by a boulder 

Anyways I’ve been wanting more art of Bit, so here’s everyone I have uft~ might also be able to do an art trade or two but I’m a lil tent since I have a couple things I need to finish first + midterms this week :}  but if you’re okay with a lil wait then feel free to ask!!

now back to my dream demons Hase_587.gif


Does my art interest you for an art trade? I can do headshots or full body chibis of Bit


No worries if not!

if you're stil looking for art, i could offer a rendered thigh-up, for an experimental chibi like this one of Crème or Vlad :]c

(if you like a certain style of rendering i did feel free to link it, bc the way i render changes with every piece 😭)

I would love to do one for crème !! ^ ^ Do you have any preferences for pose or anything? 

And you’re welcome to do any rendering style you want! 

nothing specific! you're free to draw them however you like, including changing stuff that's mentioned in the design notes <3

i'll send a wip of the pose sketch, before i line and stuff, but you're free to ask for updates whenever ^^

ok great !! I actually started before you replied ehe so let me know if you like this pose! perfectly okay with any changes/restarting If you’d prefer something else~ <3 77653662_vHRH1r89tEhUIWt.jpg?1707852742

also would you like to do updates through TH or discord? :] 

waaa it's so cute already!! <33 only change i'd ask for is for the wings to be a bit bigger, so they stand out more- other than that it's perfect :D

and discord would be best, since it's easier for me to send updates through as well ^^

Perf !! And yeah ofc~ <33 

if you’re interested in animated pixel art I can offer a couple of items!

here are some of my examples but I just got back into drawing again so my style is a bit more refined now

I can offer non pixel pieces as well if you’re interested, I’m just not very good at fullbodies unfortunately;;

for payment I really love saccharine or any of your peiis 

Your art is super pretty!! If you like Kiru, I could def trade them! Did you have a specific offer in mind?


I’m willing to do whatever you’re looking for the most? I can do a few pieces too of course!

I can at least offer one of the bigger pixel icons, animated of course, and  a regular simple animated icon (like lil effects and blinking)

If you specifically want anything from me let me know too! I’m willing to do multiple of what you want :D

Ofc !! ^ ^ <33 

Would you be alright doing the larger + simple icons of Bit, and one more larger one for Milo? If that’s too much please Lmk!! I’d be fine with just the two of Bit  if you’d prefer! <3

That sounds great to me! I’ll let you know when I have wips! It might be a liiil longer cause I got exams coming up but I should be done within two weeks?

Ok great!! I’ll put them on hold for you~ and there’s no rush, take as long as you need!! <33

hiii I'd love to do an art trade with you 

Idm the wait since I'm also busy but here are my art examples !

haii i could do a halfbody like this (or this) for a chibi of angel or taozi:3

or could swap out the half for a semi-chib like this (ex. #2) instead ^^

hii!! I could def do a chibi for a semi-chib if that’s okay!! Would you like my reg style, or something like this? (2nd ex is a wip but nearly finished)

also I’d be drawing angel :]] 

totally!!! lmk if you'd like a pose for the semi chibi and which outfit i should draw<33 (also if you'd like updates or not/where)

for angel id prefer your regular style ! the pose n expression is up to you but I can totally find sumn if its easier^_^

Sounds great !! And I don’t have any poses in mind either but I’d prefer this outfit? You’re welcome to simplify it ofc! Or if a diff outfit is easier that’s perfectly fine as well~ 

And I can do updates through discord if you’d like! ^ ^

gotcha, yeah! and will do!! thank youu1173854321855692820.webp?size=160&qualit

Ty too !! <33 tumblr_lpzmerJkdd1qfel73.gif

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