
Posted 4 months, 10 days ago by avoarte

im too lazy to make a tos to regulate this shit but why do people like. get characters i designed and make them private or get art from me and remove/hide it from their characters gallery. it kinda makes me feel like shit like 💀


I have two of your designs auth only because I'm still working on coding their profiles/making refs. If you want auth or want me to unauth them entirely idm at all !!

oh no i wasnt referring to you dw sorry for being vague! im talking about this dinosaur adopt i made ages ago that just disappeared off the face of the earth lol idk what the hell happened to it

If it helps you can go into transfer history (in settings) and check!! It usually says if it’s deleted or not 

i'm pretty sure it was deleted because i found a deleted character pretty early in my transfer history 💀 ty for telling me btw i had no idea that was a feature 

like is my art not good enough for you or something 💀 this is mostly about the art thing if you cant tell