Dainties For SALE

Posted 4 months, 17 days ago by Stein_Gut

o7 Time to down-size and let some dainties go to more loved homes.


NAOMI ( $35 ) SOLD
Toyhouse Profile

FAUX ( $35 )
MasterList / Toyhouse Profile

TBN ( $45 ) SOLD
MasterList / Toyhouse Profile

MYO SLOTS - Please note I may not sell all of these
4x Reg Slots
3x CB Slots

You can also DM me on Discord, though I prefer this post so I can keep track of them

Comment below which dainty you'd like to buy, I'd like these sold in a quick & easy manner !


If a myo still available, I'd like to buy!

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Hello, I would love to be considered for the tbn dainty for resale! I adore them.

Or I could do partial plus a succubun myo slot <3

Thank you for your time.

I'd like to buy a cb slot if there's any left! 

I’d love to be considered for one regular slot please! I have an idea planned to go with a friend’s dainty for a story we’ve been working on for awhile!

I’m interested in tbn, 1 cb slot and 2 reg slots ^_^ could also take a lower amount

Hello! I'd be interested in a CB slot!

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i would love to offer resale for faux and a cb slot!

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I'd love to be considered for https://toyhou.se/19734041.tbn resale! Would be gifting them to my husband to foreverhome TvT just in case you want to know aaa

Hello !! Is https://toyhou.se/19734041.tbn still available?

hello if there is a cb or reg slot left i'd love to buy one ^^

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Hello can I please purchase a cb slot?

hello! i'd love to purchase a reg slot if possible :-o

dmed on discord originally, but could i get a reg slot? ;w;

Can I get a CB slot if possible? Thank you!!!

Will also take a Reg slot if you’re more keen on doing those!

hi!! i was wondering if i could buy a reg MYO slot from you? <3

May I purchase a cb slot?

could i grab tbn for $45?

Great ! I'll send you a private message :)

great!! i'll keep an eye out for it :D

Hey ! I've sent you a private message with the details, please have a check for it to proceed with resale :)

i'm so sorry if i'm being blind LMAO but where did u send it?? i'm not seeing it on th 😭😭

HAHA I forgot to hit send, MY BAD !! Sending now   

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Great ! I'll send you a private message :)

I'd love to buy a CB slot!!

hi! i’d love to buy a cb slot^^

hi! id like to buy a cb slot