LF: AJC Items O: Characters

Posted 4 months, 13 days ago by SATlVA

hi its been so long wowza so im back on that pooron ass kid game animal jam and whats easier other than wasting my time making aj art for people for items? giving my toyhouse kiddos a new home... for animal jam items... anyway if yall have spikes, headdresses, beta tail armors, etc. and dont play anymore im willing to clean out anyone in my sales acc and folks in my "the yards" folder, along with akane and K9 Unit

If anyone still plays and is LF art, id be more than welcome to draw on there for you bc i only offer my art for 15 diamonds or bad long collars. tag is dogscope and my dens always open if you want to check out some work beforehand. this is honestly super silly considering im about to be 20 soon but i feel really bad that ive moved on from this era of my life despite the artistic abilities never going away and theres just a shitton of characters in both THs that are just dead asf. (i also play w my boyfriend if its not apex and his sister and she really wants a blue long collar so some stuff given to me will go to them aswell bc i love them both)


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