looking for irlzombie111 designs

Posted 4 months, 9 days ago by starpaw1

i really want one cause theyre designs are super cool but i havent been able to get my hands on one so if anyone has any ufo please comment!!!!!


I got the IC ufo??

would you take art? https://toyhou.se/starpaw1/art

I will consider! I bought the character for $35usd, what kind of art offer would you consider reasonable for that?

Oh and btw irl zombie posted this if it interests you https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1721490.selling-some-adopt-for-5-10

Hmm ok, I was curious if you’d be willing to trade this character instead? I really like them but I understand they aren’t in ur EO folder so I may be pushing my luck 

im good with that! yeah i thought i would be more connected to the character but im not so its all good

Awesome Tysm, they are pending!

i don't own one but if you're interested i have some advice! i'd go to their profile, click designs, and click through until you see one that has a price/uft for name! or, you can search using browse. i did it so heres the link!!
link since its long

thank you so much! very helpful :)