Moving HTML Onsite! + Coding Break

Posted 2 months, 21 days ago by somnacanth

For starters, I am taking an indefinite hiatus from Toyhouse HTML. I think a combination of a lot of layouts here, having done a ton of coding for my own website(s), and keeping up with college has left me pretty fatigued in terms of new layout ideas (tbh by the end of last year I was relying on CQ prompts to give me new ideas lol). So I'm taking time away from toyhouse codes to focus on other hobbies & life stuff. Plus my next big HTML project is gonna be giving my main website a layout change and I want to save my coding energy for when I get to that.

Though while I'm on break, I'm working on migrating my codes off pastebin and onto toyhouse. Going forward I feel having everything onsite (and properly archived offsite ofc) would be better for organization. I've noticed through lurking around the site some people have had trouble getting onto it + it seems that site is starting to have some issues with missflagging (while moving some codes onsite, i noticed a snippet got taken down for being 'potentially harmful'... despite it being a bootstrap collapse example). So having everything available on toyhouse will keep things easier to get to in the long run.

I'm only moving a handful of codes at a time as to not overwhelm myself. Any codes that have been moved here are being put in tabs & I swapped out the links to pastebin for ones to said tabs. I'm temporarily tagging the ones I've already done 'onsite' until I've moved them all.

As of posting this bulletin, the one's I've moved include:


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