Might delete later

Posted 4 months, 1 day ago by Theory_Apple

Ngl I’ve been wanting to add more people (mainly mutuals or people I would like to get to know) to my server but 1 idk if anyone would want to join or 2 I don’t think I’m that cool for people to want to join and plus like I don’t want to like suggest it and then not do/invite everyone so idk

If you can’t tell the people I mainly talk to are on break and I’m bored

The whole opening my server might never be a thing but who knows I do want to meat more people but I’m not that cool so \0/ (idk how to do the shrug thing


Oooh, you have a server? :0

If I may, I would love to join! 💜 I've been hoping to find a platform where I can follow you and your art again

No obligation to add me though! If you wanna keep your safe space closed / private, that's fine though! :3

I actually been thinking about asking you but I always been nervous asking you qwq like you were to cool/popular for me to ask XD so like if you want I'll dm you the link and stuff in the morning

Popular? I wouldn't think I was in any way, pfft xD /lh

But honestly, no reason to be nervous around me at all (though, I relate to this sm haha) or be nervous to ask literally anything x3 I love to chat with people, I'm just not good with keeping in touch haha

Sure, I'd love that! 💜 you can send me the link whenever you're ready :3