Just Curious!

Posted 2 months, 16 days ago by Princess-TF-ofAzurel

So should I post it here? XD

5 Votes Yes!!
0 Votes Nah, post to Tapas.
0 Votes No real opinion

So, I'm working on it anyway, because it's my current hyper fixation (as of... Last night essentially) but I'm just curious if anyone is actually interested :'D because if so, it may get a literature post all its own instead of going into the Comic Pages Literature or possibly not even posted here, but perhaps just on Tapas instead? :'3 idk... Just know that it's story driven is why I say so. But this is all dependant upon if I finish... Or at least... Get a sizable chunk done... 

So what is my current comic fixation? Well, I've been pecking at making a comic story about the five cows Shire obtained as a group, whom I've been affectionately referring to as 'Shire's Girls'(all 5 in question are featured in the first entry of Comic Pages), and how they came to live on Shire's farm, and how they managed to adjust coming from one home to another, and their relationships with each other. The Characters featured in the comic would all be within the folder Shire's Farm for the most part, with some other characters here and there if I get that far :'3

I'm realistically probably the only one who cares about this :'D but I was curious to see if anyone else was actually interested lol

(essentially done in a similar style as this, simplistic bgs, character focus, expression focus and hey! Two characters that are featured in said story!) 



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