code question

Posted 2 months, 12 days ago by encountersltd

may i ask if there is a way to get embedded bandcamp players working on this platform? i've been wanting to move away from youtube embeds. i tried putting a bandcamp embed to jazz up the landing of my characters page, but i'm stumped as to how to get it to actually work outside of the wysiwyg editor. thanks in advance


Toyhouse is really weird in that instead of blacklisting certain code that they don't want in, they instead whitelist a very shallow pool of allowable code - according to this link, I think only Youtube works for iframe embeds :((( 

Which if true fuckin sucks because Bandcamp embeds would be exceptionally awesome. (I hope I'm wrong!!)

AGH... that is quite a bummer if I do say so myself. thank you for the help, Tek! I could try and do MP3 embeds but I would have to acquire MP3's of every track I want, so I may stick to youtube after all