qwastions time

Posted 2 months, 14 days ago by chipiko

happy year of doing this again o._<


what should I call you?  chipi or chipiko

gender agender methinks

pronouns any

sexuality unknown + ace spectrum

height 5'7

favorite bands / artists  tewwww much to list pretend that i'm projecting everything i like onto you >_< please check out nujabes if you haven't though I am literally begging you

favorite youtuber imamu room & masaru

favorite food Pineapple drool

favorite celebrity shrug

favorite time of day 6pm

favorite holiday birthday :p

favorite season winter

favorite fruits Pineapple, apple, orange, banana

favorite colors pink and white but actually i like rainbows

favorite song black dresses — left arm of life

favorite flower white hydrangea

favorite emoji 🌈 😊

favorite hobby gghguugughhhhhguguuuhghguugughghuuuyyhuu8790-['/.,w

favorite country good question 

favorite weather slightly cloudy with a nice chill to it

name of your crush who do you think i am

name of your pet(s) i have no pets

introvert or extrovert mostly introverted

looks or personality first impressions are important so i’d say personality

homesick or traveler homesick Bleh

writer or artist BOTH!

woods or city neither Hole in the dirt so i can pretend im sleeping in the   womb away from this world

tv or youtube yewtube

phone or computer computer definitely

what art program do you use?  ibis paint /_\

can I DM you? i guess?

can you authorize me? only if we are mutuals or if i trust you Soz

can I request character links? if you want

are you open to art/design trades? depends :p currently not though

when do you open commissions? i don’t do coms at the moment

can I see a picture of you/will you do a face reveal? No ^_^

can I take inspiration from your art/designs?  art-wise yeah, design-wise also yeah! just please don’t outright steal my characters

can I trace your art? erm

may I put your characters in dreamie folders? i guess? i’m not going to stop you

can I ask for your discord? alienated9

can I draw your characters, alone or with mine? sure !! it would be very sweet :,]

can our characters be friends/enemies/etc? yeth always.

can I ship my characters with yours? depends Please ask because it depends on dynamic

are you okay with offers on your characters? ehhh preferably on those who are already ufo or on eo, sorry

do you do pings? for adopts, other than that i forget character pings

can I offer on the same character multiple times? go for it

do you like eggs? You want me dead don’t you

favorite piece(s) of art you’ve made? kinda peaked with this outfit not going to lie

if you had to give away every single one of your ocs except one, which would you keep? suicide

do you have any characters you are keeping just for nostalgia? ehhh only one (reign)

strangest place an oc you owned was created? nothing of the sort

favorite animal? easy. crow

do you like the color red? shrug Not always

favorite game? they call me tomodachi lifer

favorite show? no one will kill me if i put anime in here right. Anyways flip flappers and kaiba Find my anilist.

what’s your darkest backstory? are you talking about my backstory or my ocs' backstories

favorite oc headcanon? [REDACTED]

ultimate dreamie? i don’t. really care anymore the trading shtick on toyhouse tires me out a bit

do you have any achieved dreamies? perhaps..  don't call them that though

do you like your art? wish it were better

do you think you’ve improved since you’ve joined the internet/made your current account? yep

were you named after anyone? No…?

when was the last time you cried? during january

do you like your handwriting? no i find it cringe actually

what is your favourite type of lunch meat? salami

do you have children? n-no

if you were another person, would you be friends with you? probably

do you use sarcasm a lot? i try not to but yes

do you still have your tonsils? yes? i think i would have preferred not to have them though those damn stones keepappearing making me all stinky winky

would you bungee jump? i’d cry

what is your favourite cereal? do you guys not eat anything else Be honest

do you untie your shoes when taking them off? no

are you strong? erm! nop

what is your favourite ice-cream? vanilla Before someone says this is a basic flavor let me tell you why vanilla is good. It’s because it has a lesser chance of tasting bad than strawberry for example

what is the first thing you notice about people? hair

red or pink? Pink

what is the least favourite thing about yourself? clumsy for no reason; i will come back home with at least one or two bruises on my legs

what colour shoes are you wearing? barefoot

what was the last thing you ate? Scandic original Sugar Free Mints Citrus Mix

what are you listening to right now? silence

if you were a crayon what colour would you be? pink

favourite smells? metro station. also clean laundry

who was the last person you talked to on the phone? mom

favourite sport to watch? i’m not a sportscel

hair colour? dark ass brown

eye colour? brown. i think? they don’t look hazel to me

do you wear contacts? glasses

scary movies or happy endings? throw anything at me

last movie you watched? climax 2018

what colour shirt are you wearing? white

hugs or kisses? hugs

favourite desert? Chocolate cake

what book are you reading at the moment? keeping up with the talentless nana manga

what is on your mouse pad? trackpad

do you have a special talent? deku voice

where were you born? belarus

where are you living now? belarus 

what colour is your car? 

do you like answering these questions? kind of

Now time for something serious 

Is there anything that scared you as a child? the dark and freddy fazbear being in my bathroom i guess

(IF YOU'RE TRANS) What made you come out as trans? i didn’t come out I’m still trying to understand my gender identity SLOW DOWN!!!!!!!!!

Is there anybody you know that is LGBTQ+phobic? If so... how do you feel about it? Are/Were they close? parent and brother. i don’t like it one bit because it would mean that if i ever came out to them they would probably not love me anymore .! hope that t helps

Was there anybody in your life, maybe a complete stranger or asshole who disrespected you bc of your looks, identity, attraction, etc.? yeah i was called a man for having arm hair and upper lip hair during 8thgrade Not my proudest moment

IRL / KIN / COMFORT RELATED !!! This is not for me so i’m skipping this


what do you use to draw? finger fone put it together and you get a combo alright

what brush do you use for lineart? um.. uh.. it’s not consistent

what do you typically draw? cute moeblob things

when did you start art in general? 2015 but took up phone art in 2018

when did you start digital art? late 2016 

why did you start digital art? digital art was magical to me 

do you plan on doing art in the long run? not sure

do you prefer character designing or drawing characters? i like character designing a little more nowadays because i feel demotivated to draw my characters whom i love :(

are you self taught or did you ever take classes? self taught !

how long would it take you to draw a simple fullbody? hrm.. it can take about  2 hours or it can take more time depending on how much effort i’m putting into it

how many sketches do you do? one..? i just refine them later

do you have any go-to music or background noise you like to have when drawing? i prefer drawing in silence i can’t focus with music

who did you last say "I love you" to? my frand adri Shoutout to him

do you regret it? no joy and whimsy in your life huh

have you ever been depressed? who told you that (yes)

how do you want to die? ^_^ Why am i being asked this

played any sports? tennis table tennis badminton

do you bite your nails? always

when was your last physical fight? none

do you have an attitude? the mood does a swing

do you like someone? yeah

do you hate anyone at the moment? yeup

do you miss someone? my friends

twirl or cut your spaghetti? twirl

do you tan a lot? nope

have any pets? nope

how exactly are you feeling? neutral

ever eaten food in a car while someone or yourself is driving? it would make me sick so probably not

ever made out in the bathroom? No

would you take any of your exes back? scratches ass

are you scared of spiders? big ones maybe but small ones No

would you go back in time if you were given the chance? definitely

do you regret anything from your past? lots of actions i have done

what are your plans for this weekend? fucking do my homework i guess i hate it here !

do you want to have kids? i don’t even take good care of myself i doubt i would take good care of a child i birthed (short answer: No)

did you ever kiss someone whose name starts with an M? what in the specific question

do you type fast? yeas

do you have piercings? ear

want any more? not  rwally ugh x_x

can you spell well? i make typos sometimes when typing fast.. however the word "neccesary" is my ENEMY

do you miss anyone from your past? old irl friends that i don’t keep in contact with anymore

what are you craving right now? eternal rest

ever been to a bonfire party? no

have you ever been on a horse? once in kiev !

have you ever been cheated on? man who cares

would you live with someone without marrying them? isn't that a normal occurrence..?

what should you be doing? drawing

what's irritating you right now? workload, not having personal privacy, not being able to sleep comfortably, not being able to relax my muscles even while relaxing, my teeth my eyes my jaw My jaw my jaw my jaw my jaw my jaw

have you ever liked someone so much that it hurts? no

have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle? nah

do you have trust issues? hm!

who was the last person you cried in front of? examiner at uni

do you give out second chances too easily? question mark

is it easier to forgive or forget? forget

is this year the best year of your life? hoping that 2024 will be my year . i’m having fun roleplaying again

what was your childhood nickname? i didn't have one

have you ever walked outside completely naked? Huh

do you believe everything happens for a reason? yeth

what is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? stared at my Phone

have you ever been out of your state? we don’t have states here

do you play the Wii? used to

are you listening to music right now? commentary video

do you like Chinese food? yeah!

do you know your fathers b- day? forgot everything about him

are you afraid of the dark? very

is cheating ever okay? never

are you mean? kind of i guess sometimes i need to hate

can you keep white shoes clean? no

do you like the outside? eghhhhhhhhhh ...

are you currently bored? yes

do you wanna get married? :(

is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? shrugs

are you hungry? They call me fungry (fucking hungry)

have you ever made out for more than a half hour straight? wonder what that feels like

what makes you happy? ocs, music and friendship

would you change your name? i’d change my second name but not my first one

ever been to Alaska? oddly specific (no)

do you watch the news? i rarely watch tv in general

what's your zodiac sign? cancer

do you like Subway? we don’t have that here

would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?

your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? not very interested in real life men that way gomen oomfkun (Friendzone)

have you ever seen someone you knew & purposely avoided them? yeah

do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act yourself around? yea! smile

who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? i don’t rmeber

does it matter if your boyfriend/girlfriend smokes? yes actually because smoke makes me feel ill

favorite lyrics right now? 死んだ僕の彼女 (my dead girlfriend) – hades in the dead of winter

lyric translation credits

冬の地獄の中に 君の姿を描き出す 

I’m drawing your figure in the midst of this hellish winter

朝の光に溶けて 全て消える 

Everything vanishes, melted by the morning sunlight

冬の地獄の中に 君の姿を描き出す 

I’m drawing your figure in the midst of this hellish winter

いつか記憶に溶けた 君の姿を思い出す

As I’m remembering about your figure melted on some distant memories

帰り道 君に触れた

On my way back home, I’m touched by you


On a evening tainted in spurts of blood


On my cheeks which repel the drops of rain and blood


A corpse is reflected


Drawing my memories

帰り道 君に触れた

On my way back home, I’m touched by you


On a evening tainted in spurts of blood


On my cheeks which repel the drops of rain and blood


A corpse is reflected

空になった 気持ちもいつか 

Even those feelings which now became empty

戻るよって 君は言った

“Will come back, eventually” – that’s what you said;

わかるよ それは嘘だって

I know that, it was a lie

君が死んで 僕に残った

You’re dead and I’m left here;

絡み合った 気持ちをいつか

Those entwined feelings will eventually

ほどくように 冬の朝へ

Come to unfasten, towards a winter morning;

のばした 指先が溶かした

The fingertips you outstretched have dissolved:

雪のように いつか 水に消える

Some day, they’ll disappear into water, just like snow

生きていた事も 君がいた事も

The fact you were alive, The fact you were here…

全ては等しく 忘れられていく 

I’ll forget about every of that in the same way…

can you count to one million? if i don’t get distracted that is

what do you love? bringing characters to life

favourite drinks water and hot cocoa

coffee or tea tea

pretzels or chips pretzels Fuck chips

spicy or sweet sweet

early bird or night owl night owl

what are places youd love to visit i have thought about visiting japan or iceland but i’m . too shy.

cats or dogs cats 

what do you think about mostly ocs

goofy or silly silly

mbti enfp/infp

whos your favorite oc you own? CTASHA!!!!!! yue and almos share second place. yuki is third. don’t make me choose actually


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yesss more my dead girlfriend listeners!!! i really need to get into more japanese shoegaze.. the music is very nice to listen to

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sent a friend request!!

A lunch meat is a sliced meat meant for sandwiches, like turkey or ham. ^^

oh! that makes a lot of sense LOL thank you for the information :J