This is amazing... (ironically)

Posted 3 months, 26 days ago by MidNight20

Does everyone have this experience or is it just my luck? Over a month ago, I won one of the prizes in the art raffle. So far I haven't received anything, and from what I saw, the other winners didn't get anything either. And the person who did the raffle recently published some drawings. I don't mind drawing something for oneself between making promised drawings for others, but let's also respect each other. Don't promise something if you don't intend to do it. There really are other ways to gain attention than fake raffles.

Why am I writing this and complain? Because that was second art raffle I have ever won on ToyHouse and I haven't received the promised drawings from any of them. I'm just sorry. In my raffles, people usually received their art in two weeks at most. Why since I am reliable, can't I count on the same from others?

Have you guys had that too? Is it just me who is so lucky? 


Yeah I won a custom raffle like 6 months ago, have messaged the creator multiple times and have still not received anything so I just kinda gave up.

I just don’t get my hopes up when it comes to free art and stuff. People are far more motivated when they’re getting something for it.

That’s why whenever I give out free art or something I always specify that I can’t guarantee anyone will get anything.