
iz vincent off limitz? if not can you do a short hold i get paid somewhere thiz week 😭

They gray one right? I can hold him!

yea the grey one !!

Sure thing! You okay with no plush(ex has it) and nsfw images?

yeah thatz alr !! :]c

Cool! I'll hold him for ya!!

9 Replies

$50 for first one and $30 for second one!

How much were you wanting for

You looking for all the designs he has? Or just the current one(gray)?

just the grey one ig ^^

He's worth $180!!

May I ask, if you buy him, are you okay with not having the plushie? And are you 18+?

I mean if i bought him the plushie would be nice and yes I am

The plush is in the hands of my ex, so idk how I'd get it 😭 

Just lmk if you'd still want him 

2 Replies