some boundariies

Posted 3 months, 15 days ago by boomshot

> dont call me "lumo" or "vin" [Vin iis cool iif we're FRIIENDS, don't call me lumo under any ciircumstances]

> ii block very freely and ii dont unblock bc iits a miix of people ii just don't liike and actually problematiic iindiiviiduals so ii dont wanna risk ANYTHIING

> do not fliirt w me even as a joke [ii have a boyfriiend]

> idk ii could add more but iim Forgettiing perhaps.


have i (collectively of course) overstepped anything at all? (i know ive been really inquisitive on your twitter posts and its mostly because i have like a lot of anxiety when my friends arent/might not be ok so its the impulse to try and aide)

no yr all good!!!!!