
Posted 7 years, 8 months ago by Pippo

Group Rules

- Be respectful towards other members. 

-Only Parfumimis allowed to be submitted as characters

-Anyone can be a member! Not limited to only parfumimi owners.

Adoptable Rules

- Never resell a design for higher than you purchased it for ( excluding value added from extra art). Trading and gifting is fine. 

- Always notify me of new ownership. 

- Design changes are perfectly fine, you don't have to note me specifically, but please state somewhere that you've made some edits to the original design.

- Please note that, once you've altered the design where the main characteristics of the species are no longer there (in this case, the button, perfume, pumps etc) then it is not longer considered a "Parfumimi". However, reselling/trading/gifting original, unaltered design would not change it's closed species status. 

- The closed species background and references I make are just "guidelines" which may inspire how you want to set your character. So you are free to stray from them if you wish. (Referring to things such as their height, age, having owners etc)


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