Update on life (lore drop)

Posted 3 months, 12 days ago by Basement_demon

Been kinda silent on here as of late, figured id give yall a reason for me being gone and also a quick sorry for those of you who i haven’t gotten back to.

First up, I managed to graduate early from high school which sped up the process for me preparing for my graduation/walk this summer. My mom’s also super awesome so she even let me take some grad photos on my bike (heres one of em) 


beyond that tho Ive begun to get the ball rolling on my career as a plumber pipefitter, im currently working full time as a truck driver while i wait to apply for my apprenticeship but im still super hyped and cant wait to start learning more. That being said most days im pretty tired when i get home which leads me to sometimes sleep right when i get back and on the days im not too tired i either get caught up playing video games, riding one of my bikes or procrastinating fixing em.

The last thing i got figured out was coming out to my parents, just another thing i had to check off the list so nothing too fancy but yeah, least to say i haven’t had the most time on my hands, and when i do/will have it id prolly just end up drawing for myself so i apologize in advance. Id really like to get back into drawing tho so prolly expect some shit in the next few days (maybe, the weathers supposed to be really nice so ill prolly actually just end taking my ninja out).

Anyways, thanks for reading. 



congrats on coming out man!! i hope everything falls into place easily for you

Thanks, really appreciate it dude!

o shit congrats on coming out! and I hope the pipe fitter career goes well

Thanks man, exited to get into the union aswell lol