SO, I grabbed the files from our old computer. Which means... I can upload everything (or almost everything) we missed! YAAAY! Im thinking I'll be more motivated to upload things nowadays. :)

By the way, Ves transferred most of characters from our scattered accounts last night, so there's a lot on here now! Still not done as we have to change the credits of a lot of art and all that jazz. We have an alternate storage account too which is nice to have, mainly for older stuff.

For now, I am going to focus on my own characters because I have been putting off making things nice for a loooong time now! There's TONS of art made for me by other people that I have not uploaded to my "Other's art" gallery. In fact, I'm thinking about revamping my whole gallery in the Brave character page. Rat's art is lumped in with my art which has GOTTA change! SO yah, I'm gonna have some fun with my character page :)! overdue fun...



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