Hi guys!

This is a little bit of a long shot, but I fell head over heels in love (pun intended) with this gorgeous cupid design here.

I currently do not have any funds to purchase it for myself, but I'd like to ask if anyone would be willing to place the SB ($150) as a voucher on my behalf? I can offer a custom design or art in exchange!

Please DO NOT place an AB, as I'm not comfortable doing a voucher that high. I don't ask for anything beyond the SB, but should the bid go higher and you would be willing to bid, we could discuss how to handle that case and the compensation on my end.

My custom design info + examples: https://heartboiledegg-cms.carrd.co/#customdesigns (preferably looking to do a semi-chibi custom or outfit in return, but we can talk about it more)

My art info + examples: https://heartboiledegg-cms.carrd.co/#commissions (preferably looking to do a semi-chibi or bust in return, possibly a halfbody, we can talk about it)

I've gotten written permission from the artist to look for a voucher!

I'd simply love for maqqui/ciro to get the money this fantastic design deserves!

Please feel free to PM me or comment if you'd like to have a chat about this! Please do not do anything before we've come to an explicit agreement on things!

Thank you all so much!


omg that design is SO COOL!! good luck getting em!!<3

Omg thank you sm pru!! I just fell in love so hard with them the moment ciro posted them   

I'd DEFF be willing to help you out! I got your back like a rescue pack, friend <3

OMG You're so sweet   Thank you so very much for offering your help! I've worked something out with someone else already, but I really appreciate your offer!

I'd be interested!! Polly for a semi-chibi custom or just a semi-chibi in general 

Gyaaah omg selkie you saint 😭 I'd love to go over details in PMs/or DMs/Discord, whichever is most comfortable for you!

No problem!!!!! PM on here would be best if that's alright =3

i'd be down! the design is gorgeous^^

Omg thank you so much for offering, I really appreciate it! I'm gonna chat with someone else for the voucher right now, but should it fall through for any reason, I can reach out to you if you would like?

yeah, no problem! best of luck w/the design :D