Public Blacklist

Posted 2 months, 8 days ago by PUPPYHAUNT

Making this a bulletin so that I can link it to my profile warning!

Please do not harass these users on my behalf, or bring any mention of me to them. For further details regarding them, please DM me as I will only give small details here.

Do not sell my designs to these users *without contacting me first*- though I highly doubt they’d want my designs, this is just to be safe.

This will be updated in time if it needs to be, but hopefully that won’t happen.


Cultistmei/Tothearkk/Bowyer/Geezer: Spreading incredibly serious FALSE allegations about me, and being extremely ableist towards me behind my back+more. Please genuinely do not even look at my page or consider talking to me if you are friends with this person.

Boozy.boi/Boozybaa: Sexually harassed my partner, attracted to Pokémon, and also spreads false allegations about me

Coconutrocknroll: Ableist

Gothicfox18: Knowingly called their black friend racial slurs because it’s “funnie” (their exact words)

Be_Demon/Honey_Be/Be_Hino/Honey_Demon/ etc: Pedophile


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