Art Tradessss

Posted 3 months, 20 days ago by acornSK

interested in doing some art trades, shoot me a comment with info if you're down :]


I would love to art trade! All my art examples are on my profile!

Feral is preferred but otherwise I don't mind at all ^^

Are you still interested in trading? ^^

If so, can you draw this guy?

Yeah, ofcourse!! That design is so cute! :D

Sorry for a little bit of a late response! If you'd like, could you draw this oc? ^^



Tysm!! And yep, can do, I'll be starting on it soon! :3

Finished my part and submitted to their profile!! I ended up doing a chibi fb, hope that's good w you :3

That is perfectly good with me!!! Thank you so much, sorry mine is taking a bit! It will be finished by Friday. I wont accept the art until I finish just so I make sure to get it done and not forget💗

No problem , and that sounds good to me ! I look forwards to seeing it <33

2 Replies

Hihi! I adore your art so much :00 I would love to trade if ya want! I have examples on my carrd here : I can do feral animals and humanoids!

Heyya! I'd love to do a scene trade actually if that's good with you! :D If not we could do something smaller like a mini fullbody?

I would be down for a scene trade! Whatre you wantin to get? And would you be able to do ? :))

Yep I can do that for sure! Do you have any particular type of background you're wanting me to draw or is anything alright? ^^

And I would love to get some sort of nature scene with this kiddo! feral please

Got it, I'll get started as soon as possible for ya!! And not exactly, anything works for me! Since she is in a post-apocalyptic world, you could incorporate that, but it's not needed :))

Submitted to her gallery! Full size image can be found here btw:

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I made art when I got a design from you uhm! Examples are on my art tab LMK IF YOU NEED AN ACTUAL LINK <3 

YOS I'd love to trade w you ! I love your art hehe

Would you be down to do a fullbody of Zephyr in anthro form? (with clothes) /

YUP! could you do allie? please sumbit in fanart section please :3 you can do either anthro or feral :3

Yep, can do ! ^^

Sent!! Tysm for trading with me <3

Np I love it <3

My art isn’t the prettiest but I’d love to do an art trade if you’re still looking!!

Heyya! Would you be interested in doing something like this? ^^

Yeah ofc! Sorry it took me a bit to respond! That art is a bit old so it may look different from that!

Yep that's fine! :3 Can you draw this character please?

I can! Do you want me to draw them anthro or feral? And do you have a preference to drawing anthros Or Ferals 

You can draw them anthro please ^^ And I can draw either!

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I mean down for an Art trade! ^^

I won't be able to sleep tonight anyways lmao Examples (show me image for Artstyle bc I have many)

Can do! Would you be able to do a bust shot kinda like this ?

Of this OC:

He can be growling or looking annoyed please :]

I gotchu! ^^

If it's okay with you, could you do a bust of Mariana with the transfem and lesbian flags painted on her cheek or shoulders? 

Tysm for accepting the trade! Art should be done within 2-3 days! ^^

yep I can do that for sure ! I have a few things in my queue but hopefully it won't take long to get to your trade :D

Tysm! :)

Sent to her gallery! <3

2 Replies

I'd love to do a art trade OwO 

Sure thing!! Can you draw Vesper (any colourful button up + pants is okay) in a pose kind of like this one? :3

Who would you like me to draw?

That's somthing I can so for you!! 

Hurm you can draw Cyder! I hope he is not too tricky

As for pose surprise me he is a barbarian guy

I'll do my best ! 

Just to make sure, what kind of skull is he wearing? That way I can reference real ones :3

Its a deer skull!! 

okay cool, that's what I thought ! :3

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!! this is so cute, tysm!!! <3 I'll be working on my part soon ! :D

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hehe tysm fam!! I'd love to do a halfbody trade kinda like this? :3

Can you draw it of this character?

And who do you want me to draw? ^^

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yep I can draw him, I'll add this to my to do list! ^^

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!!! that was SPEEDY and turned out so cute, tysm! I'll be working on my part soon :D

Finished and sent your way!! :3

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Am def down!! My examples are in the icc!! It’s not much tho :,D 

I'd be down to do either a bust or fullbody trade, lmk what you prefer! Can you draw this character?

srry for the late reply ^^;!!1!! Sure, we can do a full body trade! And ofc I can draw them, love their design!!! can you do this character?

if not then them?

Sounds good, I'll add to my to do list and get started soon! Tysm! :D

No problem!

I just finished! I’ll upload it to their gallery tmmr, I need some sleep :,D

Aww it turned out great, tysm!! I'll have my half done soon! <3

4 Replies