Posted 3 months, 3 days ago by atmosphera

Idk I’m feeling silly and a tiny bit overwhelmed with college stuff so entertaining offers on everyone <33 and I mean it lol (just look out for characters that are placed as pending or in my pending folder 🤍)

Only trade offers unless it’s a design made by me/characters from favs are heavily preferred(chars from here are autoaccept for almost everyone, I’ll only get tent if they have big worth difference: https://toyhou.se/atmosphera/favorites/193041), if a char in my favs are ufo u can ask if I’d do my char you’re interested in for em as a voucher/can consider customs or custom slots by mutuals or people I follow too

Update: off limit char https://toyhou.se/25238329.rah


hey! i've sent you a message here/ on discord

https://toyhou.se/BuniPunk/characters big name trade and ufs/t is my main trade, but u can look at anyone. I'm interested in https://toyhou.se/18945114.-

I would give a bunch of ocs for Levi but I'm assuming they are off limits ♡ cx

Saw you have this one https://toyhou.se/22652172.tbh 

Figured I would toss up some offers of same valueish from here: https://toyhou.se/xSupernova/characters/folder:4833496

hi!! i saw you had my oc https://toyhou.se/25275548.jess favorited and i was wondering if you’d consider a custom (if those are on the table) or trading one of the below for her?

https://toyhou.se/19609170.unfinished-designs/gallery#59488361 (if youd be willing to finish the design)

https://toyhou.se/19609170.unfinished-designs/gallery#69861720 (if youd be willing to finish the design)


quick note- if you accept for an unfinished design, id prefer it be finished before i trade her to you as i already have an oc thats still pending a fb + hs from you and w/ jess’s worth in mind itd make me feel less anxious about the wait ;;

I could def finish one of the designs u linked for her^^ and I’d be a-okay with you trading her to me after I finish the design! (btw I’ve almost finished the owed art for that oc so I’ll be submitting the pics to char’s gallery later this week!) :3

awesome!!! ill put a note on her profile that shes pending for ya! the design i liked the most out of the two of them was this one <33 https://toyhou.se/19609170.unfinished-designs/gallery#59488361

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I love this fella , you can take a look around my TH , offlim is sho

I like them https://toyhou.se/24965584.noel

And Idk if you're including wips but i adore them too:


You can look around in my th but heres a few top ones id be willing to part with for one of em?




Anyone in my TH you might consider for Manta

Can you ping me if you'd ever look at money offers on https://toyhou.se/10088263.levi ?

I'd like https://toyhou.se/22652172.tbh back if possible? I can offer anyone in my sales (can do multiples)

can even do anyone here:








I can also offer artwork if you like my stuff? I can do a flat rendered fullbody. If you're uninterested please lemme know <33

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Offering for https://toyhou.se/22384182.mantadog !
Offering anyone here: https://toyhou.se/FoxyHowl/characters/folder:all/tags:1/tagged:Entertaining%20Offers,Entertaining%20offers

Plus 2-3 customs/any art of your choosing!




I can offer a full custom for the unfinished design to be finished! As for the others, feel free to look around here! Everyone is UFO besides my Truesonas and mascots! (Tent on some, only looking for a voucher for Lake ATM tho!)


Custom example

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I'm curious about the desired price of these OCs. - https://toyhou.se/22413872.tbn and https://toyhou.se/23840870.tbn

Lmk if anyone in my th interests you for https://toyhou.se/23566267.tbn https://toyhou.se/5288767.tbn

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anyone from my toyhouse

I’m not the owner of that char, they’re from my faves^^

anyone for https://toyhou.se/22652172.tbh  lol i just realized i didn’t mean to copy and paste the last one i meant this one ^^

or https://toyhou.se/24591007.-

i can also offer money ^^

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Yeah, I can do her if you’d prefer that^^

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Okay^^ I’ll transfer the char to ya rn then!

would you take usd to finish up some unfinished designs of yours?


oh awesome!! how much usd would you take to finish up https://toyhou.se/23788286.royal-man and/or https://toyhou.se/23566267.tbn ? (more interested in the dragon kiddo...would you also maybe take extra usd to do a ref or smth?)

oh or maybe https://toyhou.se/24965584.noel ?

Idk if you would like but I can offer https://toyhou.se/15911165.tbn  For 

https://toyhou.se/10111973.raaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh (I can offer money too 😭