PSA for Custom Trades

Posted 3 months, 12 days ago by friiskyun

if you’re getting a character trade custom from me and you’re someone im not mutuals with (edit, when im mutuals with someone i have a much clearer idea of what designs they like /want), they are probably going to be simpler if im not given much direction! a simple 3x3 aesthetic moodboard isn’t always going to be helpful for me visually. Clothing inspo, hair inspo, the vibe of the outfit or design is much more helpful for me! Just got a very rude person who traded with me then unfollowed after i told them to be clearer the next time. (thankfully we both traded our character characters back so there’s no worries there!) def not trading with that person again tho, very disrespectful… =_=


Dropkicking every child I see on th