silly icon commission interest check

Posted 3 months, 14 days ago by InkyBlossom

hello everypony!! how are u guys doin today^-^

soo lately ive been making a lot of these icons! theyre rly fun and id love too open these up as commissions!

they're going to be 10 USD but i aaalso wanted to add another payment option: robuxxx 🤑🤑🤑

but imnot sure how i'd price these in terms of robux! if you guys would like to taake a look at these icons and tell me how much you'd think you'd be willing to pay for them, i'd greatly appreciate it!

one thing i know im not willing to price them as is taking 10 usd and converting it to robux which would bee idk.. about 800-1000 robux?? and even im not willing to buy my own art at that price... so something much lower than that! maybe no greater than 300 robux idk! I might even go as low as 100 but im just so unsure and i want other opinions! c:

BTW these are NOT open yet!! im just doing an interest check..... ill most likely open them next week when my spring break starts! and for now, only this is the only thing you can make payments with robux! my other regular commisions (which are also still open !) are still USD only! 

ah and on a related note, i heard about paypal... their fees are already annoying but they also support iseral i think :( i would much rather take payments through cashapp if you can! but if u must make payments through paypal, i will still accept it... just cashapp is very much preferred !

alright! i think thats everything! thank u for ur timee ^-^



HeyeoOOO!! I literally jusrt ran into this >.< BUT! I would ToTallly be interested in this !! (even though I got 0 robux rn) But I think that will open a new option and maybe bring more of an audience to your artwork :3 !! For people who don't have any real money to buy with!! I think u should put some thought with the prices since robux is also really valuable! but yeah I think ranging from 200-800 would be nice to start out with since like 1000+ is too much for many and consider that expensive! So ya, just think about it! Anyways hope you having a good days I'm just curious here lol!

haihai!!! thankus for your interest!! ^o^ and omg I agree 1000 IS too much!! o_o I always ask myself when pricing my art if I would be willing to spend the amount im pricing it for that quality of it yknow! and i am definitely not willing to spend over 800 for a silly lil icon lawl! but thank u sm for ur input, I rly appreciate it! :3


HELLOW!! am so happay to hear abt your interest! I'll most likely open these in a week from now! :D 


You’d also have to take into consideration of the tax. unless you’re doing gift cards of course, but the tax for robux is kind of insane. Either way, 800  is pretty good for icons., if you’re worried about the price i suggest 600 or 500 depending on interest. Or give the option for people to pay 500-800 based on What they think since there are some ranges.  

Anything under 400 is just scamming you lol, Goodluck with these! 

ah that's riight they do take some of the robux as tax!! ill keep that in mind,, so far i feel encouraged to have the price be closer to 800 so thank u sm!!  

I’d be interested 😋 I’d say keep the robux price at 800 since that’s how much $10 gets you and you don’t want to undersell yourself c: 

am so happy to hear!! ^-^ an thank u for your opinion!! I just thought 800 would be a lot for these lil icons in terms of robux but if ppl are willing to pay that much for them then i guess i wouldn't mind c:

Yeah I understand! Maybe you could start off at 800 and then possibly lower it if there’s not much interest. Or start off at 500 and raise the prices if there’s more interest! 

ah thas actually a great idea!! thank u!! :D

seince like 10$ is like 800 robux i feel like itd make sense, plus id totally pay that much.. the icons look super good so its worth it !!!

or maybe something around 800 ?? idk im not sure how robux pricing works except jst converting the price :p but me personally id pay that much!

idk how robux prices work much either LAWL and yes while it does make sense to make them 800 robux bc theyre 10 usd, i still feel like 800 is a lot in terms of robux !! I will definitely consider it though if people really are willing to pay that price though, thank u so much!! ^-^

ur welkome !! hopefully u figure it out !! maybe you could do 400-700 or something if 800 is alot?

ooh i think i like the sound of that range! i'll just start off with something on the lowish side and if theres more interest, i'll gradually raise the prices we'll see ^-^

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OOOH considering considering 🤑

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