drawing drawing

Posted 6 months, 20 days ago by M3lt3d_Z0mb13

i have a love hate relationship with drawing bro istg, i loveee the process of getting all of it finalized to the end of the lineart stage but hot DAMN do i hate coloring that shit😭🔫 its such a pain in the ass dude especially when making a new character cause then you have to think abt the colors. its also inconvenient in general when  you have art block or like burnout cause like i wanna draw but likeeeee i cant yk? i am drawinf smthn rn tho and thats my only reason of complaining rn cause of this stupid brush that wont let me bucket tool without having to outline the color😒✋️ also why the freak is it so hard to make character sheets 😔😭 


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