
Posted 3 months, 10 days ago by GR34SRR

anypony want to be friends in miitomo??!?! looking for fellow miitomians...

I'm using the kaeru patcher if ur wondering ^___^ the official servers shut down in 2018 I believe.... if anyone is interested just comment/dm and I will send you my friend link 😁

look at these cute pictures I took



I WANNA PLAY IT SOOOO BAD isnt it only for android that u can still get it on ur phone ? or is there a way to get it on desktop !!

I beileve for ios you need to have a jailbroken iphone BUUUUTT I think there may be a work around to get it to work on pc using an application called bluestacks? from what I can tell it emulates an androids play feature on your pc 

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