Little Life Ramble - not important

Posted 3 months, 17 days ago by VibrantFangz

I cut off a friend of 4 years a couple days ago - she’d changed a lot and was saying some pretty nasty stuff behind my back, and even though she’d been my lifeline for years and id constantly crush on her all the time, plus always imagining meeting her one day (even while we were dating, marrying her which is silly but I was a hopeless romantic) she kind of changed into this whole unrecognizable person these past few months (specifically about the Palestine situation, saying things like supporting the IOF and making racist comments on Palestinian children hating Jews from a young age… ew)

As you can see, most of my Story folder consists of characters I’ve made with her specifically… roleplays we never ended but created lively worlds together. So it hurts to let all that go. 

Even with all these terrible things, I really still do love her and a part of me hopes she’ll change her ways and come back to her usual self, and we can be friends again. However, she cared about me a lot and I know I hurt her a lot by cutting her off, so I doubt that’ll happen :( 

But cutting her off has sort of opened my eyes to a new, fresher world. I don’t have to be tied down by one relationship forever. People age and change, and sometimes it comes to a point that they can no longer be in your life anymore. But you will find new friends who fill in the gaps of a precious friendship - and while you still miss the other person, you at least have others who still care about you in the same way they used to. 

I joined a DnD group with lots of friendly people, I’ve sparked a new sort of creativity, and I feel refreshed again. I’m not completely happy, of course, I miss her a fuckton and I still have hope she’ll change her ideals and realize the weight of the things she says. But I’m ready to move on if that doesn’t happen, and I hope that if she’s for some reason reading this, she can too. Despite the hurtful things she’s said, I know she’s a person too and I want her to be happy (Even if she does have screwed morals, I know she only means the best)

Despite The terrible things, I wanna think of our friendship as a positive one. It helped me grow in a lot of ways and I thank her for that, but it’s time for new flowers To grow in place of the withering ones

But thank you, everyone, for your support on my art and my stories. It truly does mean a lot. I want to continue moving on and growing in my art journey, and creating new characters and friends here!! While I’m pretty inactive at the moment, I have plans cooking up on the back burner. 


Happy the relationship at least gave you insight on life ! lots of love from here, hope you feel better ! 🩷🩷🩷

Thank you so much <3

Take care of yourself fang 💞💞💞💞💓💓💓🫂🫂

🫂 thank you