EO and tag guide

Posted 1 month, 27 days ago by Limerami

I thought to try opening my whole TH for entertaining offers, meaning that characters on my page can be offered on. It doesn’t really mean I am actively looking to rehome them however, just generally opening for EO. But I might bump this occasionally as I am still kinda curious what people might offer. If I end up changing my mind I’ll either close or remove this, but for now this is open

I just ask that you make a fair offer for the character. It helps give some sort of worth as it will be stated in the profile how much it was bought for and how much art is commissioned or added.

Please don't be upset if I deline your offer. I do love my characters and I would want a trade/sale I would be happy with and don’t have regrets for.

Mostly looking for money ($ or € depending what it says on the profile). I rarely seek art offers, so very likely I decline those. Can maybe look at customs from artists mentioned in design preferences or if I follow you 

Here’s my general design preferences for characters

I now have a tag with characters that won’t leave me anytime soon. Maybe never even, especially Bryghantos since he is my beanest bean. Everyone else is pretty much fair game to be offered on. But again, it doesn’t mean that I’ll automatically accept offers

Tag quide:

forever homed: I love these a ton. Highly unlikely they’ll leave me, but I won’t get mad if they are offered on

gold: Lovely characters and I love their designs. Offers are still ok, but will be difficult to part with any

dnd: Characters that are either in current campaigns or I am planning to use them. Very unlikely they’ll leave me, and I might mostly be interested in trades than sale if choosing an option?

story plans: Characters that are part of various stories of mine. Can look at offers, but depending on character they’ll be difficult to part with

retired: Characters that are older which I still have enough connection with to not being able to rehome or delete. Offers are very very unlikely to be accepted

new: New characters that I have recently gotten. Can look at offers, but I doubt I'll rehome them right away. It really depends on the character, so it doesn’t hurt to ask regardless (I try to remove this tag within a month or so)


The ones you linked are cool! But I think I may not have use for them more than Hecate as I do have some plans for her which I have yet to try out ;0;

But thank you for the interest regardless!

Thank you for looking.

My offer will forever be open and *it will be open to anyone that happens upon this that does have something you’d trade her for.*

I can keep that in mind ^^

Thank you!