Entire TH UFO (LF: art)

Posted 2 months, 30 days ago by Ancorealm

Hey! Let’s get this plain and simple u_u

I want more art of the Thomas family! If you feel like you’d be able to draw any of them (you can state a preference if you have one you’d like considered) feel free to read this!

-Any visible character that ISNT in the “Thomas family” folder (so offers include those in the associates subfolder) is up for offers!

-Some characters will be very easy; I’d accept just sketches for some of them, some will require bigger pieces / couple pieces for me to be comfortable letting them go

-There’s no hard deadline for art, but as a general rule of thumb if you don’t have an ETA for owed art I’ll assume a soft deadline of one to two months per character drawn!

-I have no immediate preference on finish or style, so multiple small sketches vs one large piece is no matter to me. I just want to spoil these kiddos!

-If you’re interested in anyone, just comment on their profile, dm me on toyhouse or comment on this post with your offer!

My full toyhouse with these rules in mind! https://toyhou.se/Ancorealm/characters/folder:all


What would you like for them? I'm willing to draw anybody! Maybe a halfbody or chibi?


Oooh, I love your style! Would you be willing to do a halfbody of Lillie? My only real request would be some sort of shy smile expression! If you're down for that, I can put this kiddo on pending for you!

Yeah I can definitely do that!! ^^

Awesome! I’ll mark this character pending for you ^^b 

art is pending!

I see it! Thanks so much! Transferring the fella to you :3!

tysm :DDD