Choose Your Own Adventure Raffle Phase 3: What!

Posted 3 months, 16 hours ago by Xikeb

what are we making?

3 Votes bird of some sort
3 Votes frog
3 Votes bear
8 Votes cat
4 Votes flower

another 24 hours have passed and the results of the second poll are in! so far the choices you've made have been:


but now we're gonna vote on what our lovely little trinket is going to be. this is likely the last step in the voting, get them in while they count!
also make sure to check out the comments on this for a not-so-secret 3.5 poll :^)

if you are just joining us, you can see a quick explanation of the raffle here! voting in expired polls doesn't change the outcome or give you more entries.


woah it's secret 3.5 poll!

putting it here because it doesn't fit in the format of the poll function lolol

Do we wanna add some kinda spooky/weird element and/or extras! I would be kinda winging that part based on vibes

reply under this comment with yes for yes and no for no)


Yes yes!


Yeah :D