
Posted 3 months, 7 days ago by Itsa_ToyhouseAccount

Hello ^^
Im sorry i havent posted anything here for so long, im currently on a break and havent been very active. Since its been awhile, i just thought id post a quick update with plans for this world

This world was originally created as a place to just track progress on the roleplays creation. However, now that the roleplay has been released, ive been wondering what to do next with this world
Ive been considering ideas of possibly having this world have (likely vague, ill have to ask others if theyd be ok with this first) updates of whats happening in the roleplay, so anyone not in the Rp can see whats going on, if theyd like to join whatevers happening in the roleplay, etc?
If so, i was considering maybe changing the theme of all this to be spoken in character as something like Emcees in TGoT? Along with possibly adding some hints, and foreshadowing towards TGoTs lore, events that may come in the Rps future, and so on hidden around the world?

Im not 100% sure what we'll do yet, though i feel bad about how long its been since ive really posted any updates. So i thought id at least add in whats going on at the moment
Unless i take a long time, i may wait until im back from my break until posting the next update. However, ill try and start on all this as soon as im able too ^^


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