Hello, hello!

Posted 6 months, 13 days ago by Maskuline

Ahh uh. I've never used this feature before aghghf. I know I don't have many followers here, but whatever I am doing this anyways.

I've recently made a new folder for a story that I've been developing for a while; I'm hoping to one day turn this into a webcomic, and I'm honestly really excited for it. I don't want to give away too much yet, since a lot of it's still in planning, but this is my first project that I've gotten this far into developing so!! I'm excited!! And if this becomes something tangible then I want to have this excitement for the project noted here, if that makes sense.
With that, I'm introducing the Abyssia folder, and hopefully I've linked that right agfhgfdh. All the characters in it are ones that were here previously, but I've updated them slightly with information related to the story. As I work more on it I'll be adding to it, and hopefully also adding info on the world it takes place in too.

I think that's it for now. Please let me know if anything's wrong in any of the character's profiles or anything agfhghfh. I'm nervous, but also so excited for what Abyssia will hopefully be.


hype hours!!!!!!!