🍌 :: TOS + blacklist !!

Posted 3 months, 2 days ago by SpIitsviIIe




⭐️ :: Howdy!! Here's my terms of services & blacklist,, feel free to ask questions! Just make sure you comment on this bulletin to keep everything nice and neat,, this account is run by Confettifunfetti so ping if needed!! 




-- Do not trade characters to blacklist people: this makes me extremely uncomfortable and will lead to a blacklist + mute ( block if I find out you had done it multiple times,, I do not do ip blocks unless you continuously stalk me & try to get my designs to taunt me ),,

-- You may trade my adopts after a month has past of receiving them,, if found out you had traded a design before a month has pass then you'll receive a mute ( a block if done multiple times even after warning,, ip block + blacklist if you stalk me + try to evade the block )

-- Notify me if you decide to trade off a design of mine!! A simple pm will do that contains the person you are trading it to,, just want to keep track of who owns my designs! There's no need to wait for approval!

-- Do not resale a design for a higher price,, meaning if you got it for free then you must give it away for free: "Oh but it was bought for 10 bucks!" too bad,, you didn't buy the character. Unless you had added extra art such as comms or your own art then you must sell it for original/lower price, no expectations!

-- Do not delete my designs off of TH,, once they're here, they stay here. If you private an design of mine then please authorize me or let me know you did!!




-- NurxyDoodlez :: Felt uncomfortable around them ,, blocked and prob blacklisted by them.

-- DEVINS_STORAGE :: Blocked as they had some sort of close relations to NurxyDoodlez and assumed they didn't want anything to do with me as they stated in their ad for free art that they don't want to interact with people who blocked their friend and had asked for those people to block them so I did.

-- trainleg :: Failed multiple times to credit me for my works & designs and has either deleted or private an design of mine without letting me know when they were adopted by a off-site user. They're a nice person but I don't like it that they had failed to credit me for multiple of my designs + artwork to them and has traded my designs off-site without my knowledge. 

-- CL0WNERY/LEFT_4_DEAD :: Failed to let me know that they went with another offer even though they accept my offer (made a month before the other offer). Told me I had a max of 2 months to complete and never told me that they decide to go with the other offer so I work on the art for 2 more days until realizing that they gave it to someone else. 



That's it!! Again,, feel free to ask questions in the comments of this bulletin :] (ping if needed!!!)


offtopic but the lil jolteon at the top is so cute hehehe

I know!! :33 They kept calling to me everytime I went to find a gif,,, /silly /pos

yeee!! the goober

the ultimate goobs,,