pls comment if u owe me art

Posted 3 months, 2 days ago by cherrykitkat

1) reminder i have many adopts open - money preferred atm as theme park season is approaching
2) gonna be updating my comm prices soon so if u wanna get em while they're still low...
3) also have a patreon
4) and a shop!

also i am very sorry if i haven't responded to your offers, been busy and forgot. 

If you've got offers I've accepted going can you please lmk if you're still interested in the character? I'm lenient and don't like setting firm deadlines but it has been a while since I've last checked in </3


The person the rat was pending to hasn't gotten back to me in 2 years so I reckon that's a good sign they're not interested anymore, I'll need to check up on the raven & bug (either spirit completed the art and i just forgot to edit TH details, or we forgot about em) & i believe the art has been finished for the tarantula but was never actually sent to me

tl;dr at least 1 of them i can take off pending now

oooo can i offer a cheeb for the rat?

if any other ones get taken off pending lmk!

oh absolutely! coouuld you do my sona

The person who wanted the tarantula has gotten back to me confirming they'll send the art as soon as they can(they're not home rn) & spirit has confirmed she still wants the two she offered for she just. doesn't remember what she offered so we're sorting that out so alas the others won't be off pending, but ty for the interest(and. the reminder to actually check up on what's owed to me-)!

oogh it looks amazing ty!! rat incoming >=]

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look at me taking 13 days to respond

alri!! pls do keep me updated i am so bad at remembering to check in /lh