Small commission TOS change!!

Posted 2 months, 28 days ago by riverss_exe

I've made a little change reguarding my commission TOS - payment to be specific.

I will no longer ask for the payment upfront, but after I've sent the sketch for approval. After the sketch has been approved I will then ask for payment before I go on with doing the linework.

I also only take the payment thru "Friends and Family" on paypal sence it doesn't take a fee and that insures I get the full amount! Same goes for Ko-Fi!

The friends and family thing was kind of obvious but I decided it's best I clarify for whoever isn't sure.

I've also opened a PWYW headshot commission! If anyone's interested, here's the link to the post :3 -


You shouldn’t take it through family and friends because you can’t get a refund if something comes up!!

Just raise your prices!! 

I really don't want to raise my prices all that much as of now, so my commissions can be affordable for everyone.

Maybe later on if my art and characters have more demand, then I'll most likely raise my prices.

I also do take the money thru friends and family, because I myself know that I'm able to finish whatever commission has come up. I usually finish a commission within a week or two at max, depending on what kind it is. It can take 1-2 days for a simple unshaded headshot or up to two weeks max for a referenece sheet.

Alright I was just letting you know!!! 🖤

I know! Thank you for the reminder! ^_^