Basic TOS + Public Blacklist

Posted 2 months, 21 days ago by Crite

Hi hi, so recently I've had a bit of a situation with a person which has prompted me to make a temporary TOS / Public Blacklist here until I get my carrd up and running

[ TOS ]

... steal, tracing (without credit), or directly copy any of my art or designs

... run any of my art through any kind of AI generative programs.

... sell my characters for more than you bought them UNLESS they have extra art.

... put characters you get from me on "tradeback only," UNLESS you have explicit permission from me.

… delete my designs UNLESS you notify me beforehand.

Engaging in any of the above actions will get you blacklisted.


... redesigns to any degree (I like seeing people be able to connect to my designs, so feel free to go wild!)

... referencing my designs (as long as it's not a perfect copy I'm completely alright with this! Once again, feel free to go wild!)

... uhh pretty much anything else you wanna do.

Feel free to ask below if you have a question about the TOS part of this


(These are users whom are, under any circumstances, NOT allowed to own my designs due to various reasons. PLEASE do not try to trade me these people's designs. I will be putting reporting / ticketing links to users' names in case of name changes, PLEASE DONT REPORT OR HARASS THESE PEOPLE AS THAT IS NOT MY GOAL IN PUTTING THIS LIST UP)

Nick / Cacti / Zomfog / Ativernat / He changes usernames so frequently it's hard to keep track
Character theft, tracing, scamming, homophobia, transphobia, racism, sexual harassment of various minors, repeatedly and I mean REPEATEDLY ban evading here on toyhouse. I could go on forever but if you would like to know more please go check out this Instagram account that has detailed accounts of everything Nick has done.

- Chamistry  
Various personal reasons involving both one of my close friends and I + putting a design of mine on "tradeback only" despite us mutually blocking each other.

IP Blocking and later blacklisting me without warning, ignoring my message when later asked for an explanation.

This (CONTEXT: The user they commented that towards has a major fear / phobia of dogs, including the word "dog" or "pup")

- Nyxshilloette 
This (CONTEXT: The user they commented this towards has a major fear / phobia of dogs, including the word "dog" or "pup")


Interested in your aroace cat adopt! I was wondering if you allowed your designs to be used commercially (comics, books, merch,etc)

YES I for sure do!! And I'm flattered you want to use one of my designs commercially!! :D

I would have to charge a commercial use fee though if that's alright. It's only $10 since the design is relatively simple so not too much, but I completely understand if this puts you off the design! :>

I’m still totally interested! Would it be possible to pay the commercial fee a little later (before they are used commercially ofc)

YEAH for sure!! No worries whatsoever! Just lmk when you're planning to use em and I'll shoot you over my PayPal and some kind of "you're authorized to use this character commercially" statement! :>

Awesome! I can totally pay the first $20 for them now and I’ll add a tag to them reminding me to pay the extra $10 fee for commercial use!

Sweet alright!! Ill put my PayPal below and I'll send em over as soon as I get the $20! ALSO I have a piece or two of extra art that I was gonna add to em before I sold em but I didn't end up getting them finished in time, so if its alright with you I can totally shoot both pieces over after I'm done with em! :>

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