important !! raffle result

Posted 2 months, 20 hours ago by ChubbyTrashPanda

I'm a little late but here are the 5 winners of the raffle!

rapunzels lokkju Dailet-Creation Liege Chicxy

please dm me with the info for the YCH!image.png?ex=660eb9a5&is=65fc44a5&hm=fd0

and thank you to everyone who participated in this raffle! I didn't expect so many people

oh and a special thanks to everyone who left kind messages in the comments  



que sorteador vc usou?

obg! quando vc disse sorteador do th, fiquei procurando pelo th igual doida 

eu só joguei no google toyhouse raffle app e achei heuaheu

congratulations to the winners!!