Cat new hiding spot and beautiful tree

Posted 1 month, 14 days ago by jcorbari

Last week, we lent a plastic table to my brother in law, so he and his girlfriend could participate at a market fair to sell candles. They will borrow the table again and since we're not using it, we left it at our garage to make it easy.
On Monday we spend hours looking for her, and nothing. We were already panicking cause there was no sign. 

Until... I decided to look behind the table. And there she was.... all comfortable taking a nat without a care. xDDD 

Also, on my way to grocery shopping, I always pass by this huge tree, and it's finally in full bloom. 




Dawww so cute! What a comfy hiding place haha :D

Yeees, she's usually the one to find the best and funniest spots for naps xDD 

Naawwww! I love finding kitty hiding spots. OvO

They are so fun right? ahahahahaha they can nap at the strangest places xDDD 

What perfect timing I was gonna greet you on a forum post but did so on your profile instead and here we are X'DD
The tree looks goddamn gorgeous! I'd be amazed to just ride my bike there and pass by it ^^

Yeeees that tree is so pretty, there's another one near the bridge and as soon as it blooms I'll take a picture to share with you guys!
And this tree makes the place looks cool too, without it, its so sad and boring xDDDD