[CLOSED] walk cycle pagedoll slots!

Posted 2 months, 5 days ago by Jhariah

hi guys! there's an artist i really wanna commission so i'm willing to take 2 walk cycles for $25 each! paypal USD, feel free to DM or comment to claim!

aiming to finish these before april since that's when i return to work! also, this'll be the last time i open these for a *Long Time* so get one now if you're thinking of it! here are some examples below:






Could I nab one if they’re still open ? :0

Edit: I’m so sorry to do this, something just came up and I wouldn’t be able to comm one anymore ;—; I’m sorry to do that so suddenly I just wanted to say something (feel free to delete this comment)

it's no problem at all omg!! i appreciate you letting me know :]

ye ! Sorry for the flip flopping, I hope youre able to fill the other slot ! Keep up the great work, your art is cool af !! :0

Could I snag one :3

you may!! feel free to send the $25 to [email protected] and link me to the character you'd like along with the expression!