Posted 2 months, 1 day ago by Clayclayton332

CLAY CLAYTON DECLARES THAT... I'm doing a quick intro!!! I'm a 18 year old artist here most likely to just post kitties, and a few other characters! I have AUDHD, PTSD, OCD, and a TBI so yknow a real mess of a soup in my brain. I have a really intense special interest in Cats, Crabs, Clowns, Bugs, Borzois, Steven Universe, Theme Park history, Psychonauts, Minecraft and ones i can't remember rn hehe !! My favorite medium is Watercolor and Crayons! I hope u enjoy your time here on my toyhouse, and if u have anything you wanna ask me, ask me on Discord, at Clayton332!! My main sona is Muddypaw and Clay Clayton (tba)!!


AUDHD uniteĀ