Hi! Long time no see!

Posted 2 months, 14 days ago by fandaniel

I'm currently getting back into the swing of things. Life has not been kind recently, so I took the time to get away and recover for a while. I might still a bit here and there for the time being as I'm getting back into being more social online again as well as dealing with IRL stuff.

I've been working hard on my etsy store whilst unemployed, and I'm currently working on a Vocaloid enamel pin collab with a friend which I will likely shout about on here when it's ready to go!

Thank you all for being so patient with me, especially those I do owe art to. I will be trying my hardest to get stuff completed as and when I can, I'm just being very wary of burnout in my current situation so I am trying to make art for myself often to prevent that!

Much love to you all, I hope you're all doing good <3


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