update!! /imp

Posted 2 months, 29 days ago by ryph0bic

so the vet visit cost more than i was expected and had to borrow from my dad, I need to pay him back soon! I AM HALFWAY THERE and only need $50 more to cover what i couldn't pay! please share this bulletin (https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1795050.comms-open) i will give free sketches for anyone who shares, everything helps!!!



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thank you SO much! sharing helps greatly, I'd love to sketch one of your characters as a gift, if you don't mind   lmk who!!

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Nooooo 😭😭😭

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i appreciate you sharing!! may i sketch Keir Onyx as a thank you? the support is such a blessing tysm   

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her name is Callie! I wasn't very creative with naming 13 years ago but I think it suits her well <3 being cute is her favorite pastime


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it's an awesome name to have haha 😌

I hope you get the money! I was stressing out when I found out my cat had Diabetes and I was struggling to get money together to help my family pay for his medication. I'll be checking out your prices and sharing the bulletin to try and help but I only have 18 to my name rn 😭

thank you so much! and yes, i really hope i can afford her treatment once we've figured out the issue but the cost of vet services has gone up since last year. i have some great connections to cheaper supplies for if she has CKD or worsening arthritis but the other things still on the table scare me!

sharing helps so much already, as a gift can i draw Axis? and thank you again!!

I hope she'll get better. Vet care can get really expensive, sometimes seeming for no reason, but all with good help. Hope others will buy stuff too just in case

Sure go ahead and draw them :3

I wish the best for your cat!! I sincerely hope they’re able to figure a treatable/manageable solution out for your cat!!

I spread the word around too as well!!

Once again, I hope your cat gets better soon!!

tsym, i appreciate the share and well wishes!! would Frosting be okay to sketch as a thank you for sharing?   

Yes of course!! I’d love for you to draw Frosting!!

You’re absolutely welcome!

I hope the cat is okay/doing better!! What happened if its okay to ask? :(

we're not sure yet, but we're getting a blood test done! she's been having accidents outside her box and i've noticed abnormal behavior so our main concerns are CKD, hyperthyroidism, or cognitive decline. hoping it's just her age or arthritis but i'll hopefully have the answer monday or tuesday!

I hope whatever it is is treatable/manageable 💖 wishing the best for them and the rest of your fam as well!!

thank you so much, if you'd like i can update you once i've got the results! and are you okay with me sketching Arrhythmia as a a gift for sharing? <3

I would appreciate the update, yeah!! And you don't have to, but if you choose to I'll be in your debt 🤝🦐 (I will be coming back for you /silly)

small update! her blood tests came back all normal, so now I'm taking her in to test her for crystals and urine acidity (both reoccurring issues). if it ends up not the case then we're going to treat for arthritis and see if she improves!

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