little update

Posted 2 months, 14 days ago by angiies

hayyy :P just thought i should make a bulletin to let yu guys know, im slowly losing interest in wc (im more fixated on anthro ocs rn) so i made a diff account for my anthro ocs and such, craniectomy. ur free to sub to me there if ud like, ill be more active over there in the meantime

comms and owed will still be completed, just with a delay because ive been struggling with my mental health and physical health alot recently along with some other issues.., i guess you could consider this a hiatus? but ill still be working on art, just slower than usual. i will still be logging into this account and responding to offers and stuff, but my responses may be slower bcs of all this. my art raffle will also be paused (i wont roll the winners until im feeling better.) patience during this is greatly appreciated, thank you all

fyi, if you see me working on personal art its because it keeps me motivated and i use it to cope with issues in my life. i will not tolerate being rushed.


take all the time u need ,, hope that u start feeling better soon <3