old person alert

Posted 1 month, 29 days ago by zomplush

hi guys... i forgot to make a bulletin but i turned 18 yesterday 😎

i'm australian so that means i can drink now... i have a feeling that the drinks will taste very bad though. so it might not make a difference

i'm kind of shocked that i'm actually an adult... it doesn't feel real lol


happy birthday!!!

admittedly i don't really want to drink even when i turn 21 because... reasons

thank you!!

and yeah i feel like it's unnecessary

yeah... even if i do drink it'll be only a little and only very occasionally

i once tried champagne on new year's and i didn't really like it that much admittedly

yeah... a lot of alchohol probably doesn't even taste good


i've heard scotch tastes like bleach (don't know how the person who told me that knows what bleach tastes like but... yeah)

that's wild

43 Replies

Happy birthday!!!🎂🎊🎈 

thank you!

Alchool is often bad for health honestly but it's alright!