Characters UFS

Posted 2 months, 8 days ago by saintbambi

Hihi so I ran into a situation where my partners and I are planning on moving next month, however due to ALL the things life has piled on me in the past months I had a bit of a breakdown that ended up getting me fired from work and unfortunately also my partner! (which was both a blessing and a curse if we're being honest, we were both being treated super unfairly by our employer) Now we have things in Savings that will still allow the trip to happen although just barely, however we're extremely tight on money right now during the period inbetween now and the move, also the concern of "what if theres something we didnt account for or didnt know about?" SO that being said im selling some characters right now!

Id love for people to take a at said characters, no pressure to buy anything ofc! but id also love to ask if people could spread this around a bit? I would be so grateful!


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