What're your thoughts on raffles...?

Posted 1 month, 24 days ago by Chocolatewoosh

Would you be interested in a raffle from me? :]

8 Votes Yes, but only if it's a free art raffle
1 Votes Yes, but only if it's a free character design raffle
31 Votes Yes, I'm interested regardless
2 Votes No thank you, I'm not interested

I've been considering doing one of them fancy raffles as a thanks to You lovely people for hanging around and enjoying my work, but I'm not sure which kind of raffle to do! The easy answer would be an art raffle, since no doubt a lot of the people who follow me are here for the art I make! But I think it'd be super fun to do a lil character design raffle too, where I make a Little Fella and then do one of those Draw To Enter raffles, but I'm not too sure if anybody would be interested in that...... SO hence this bulletin! :D

I'm not sure if I'll be doing anything any time soon, BUT I'd like to make this poll/bulletin anyhow, Take Notes and then do some Considerations for the future... 👀 

Anyhoo, tell me your thoughts! Do you like/prefer how certain raffles are done? Have you seen a raffle method in the past that you thought Sucked Ass? Tell me!! Or don't!!!! Totally valid to just vote in the poll and immediately run screaming outta here you do you. Thank you for your time and thank u for being here I hope you have a LOVELY day :D


Omg, I would love to see a raffle from ya!! They’re super super fun, can’t wait to see what ya do!☆

D'AWH why thank you!!!!!!! ;u; I super appreciate you saying so! I've done raffles on twitter before but never done a raffle on TH so this'll be FUN heho

I think raffles are fun no matter what for! They're really exciting even if you don't happen to win! They're always neat to me :D

Daw, I think that's honestly the most delightful perspective on raffles I've ever seen ;O; I've seen so many people get uppity or upset when they don't win, or some assume people who run raffles are just fishing for likes/watches when they do them- so this is super cool of you to say!!! Heck yeah!!!!! :D I hugely agree though raffles ARE fun!!!

i thinkkk a thing too could be a custom design raffle? for me character design raffles are the ones that i end up caring for the least - UNLESS i end up really vibing with the design, then i just ignore them, i don't wanna win a guy i know i wouldn't use. whereas an art or custom raffles have more universal appeal if that makes sense?

EITHER WAY good luck! raffles can be fun to do either way ^_^

OH YEAH FOR SURE I considered that too!! Customs are great and a lovely way for the raffle winner to get Exactly what they want, and they can be Super fun! A few times now I've seen people enter character raffles and they end up winning but not.. Actually wanting the character....... So a custom would be a great way around that. Unfortunately I've not done customs before, so while I feel Pretty Good about my design skills, the idea of taking on a custom for someone sounds Terrifying gjklNSFDKLJSFD MAYBE SOMEDAY THOUGH...!! Or who knows maybe I'll give it a shot. Or maybe I'll spin it like the raffle winner could choose between Free Art or a Custom. 🤔 Things To Think About

BUT yes anyway regardless of what I do, thank you very muchly for your input! I really appreciate it!! :D

if anything, a free custom can be good practice for if you ever DO want to do customs! i love your designs, but i also get the custom experience and the adopt experience are totally different things. there's a certain level of pressure to making sure the client gets Exactly what they want - so without any actual money being exchanged, it could lessen the pressure? i'm just spitballing ideas though LOL if it's too far out of your comfort zone, then you don't have to do it!Â