RP Comfort Levels

Posted 3 years, 6 months ago by Denri

RP Comfort Meme

A valuable meme for any role-player!

Come display your comfort levels so your role-play partners are aware of what they can do, and of what they should avoid! A healthy relationship between role-play partners is the key to a good time!

While this meme shows the basics, please remember to communicate with your role-play partners!


- Yes!

? - Sometimes.

- No.

Role Play Basics


I am comfortable doing:

✔ - Comment

✔ - Chats

✔ - Notes

- Forum

✔ - Discord

- Google Docs

- Other

I tend to melt into slag when someone asks me to do formal, multi-paragraph forum rp, but I'm okay with briefer posts on forums. Google Docs is kind of a weird format for me, but I won't dismiss it out of hand. 


I am comfortable with:

✔ - One-on-one role plays.

✔ - Up to three people.

- Up to four people.

- Five or more people!

- As big as possible!

One-on-one or three-way is easiest for me, but I don't really mind larger groups—I've just noticed that it seems like those are more prone to collapse.

This isn't part of the meme, but it is relevant: I can manage writing for two of my characters simultaneously with my usual degree of competence. If I have to write for three at once, I will start randomly forgetting that one exists here and there, but generally am reasonably capable of keeping up. More than three and I begin to fall apart.

Post Length

I usually write about:

✘ - One or two sentences.

✔ - One or two paragraphs.

? - Two to five paragraphs.

✘ - More than five paragraphs.

✘ - A few pages worth.

I keep a three-sentence (or roughly that much—sometimes I write very long sentences) absolute minimum in mind when I am writing, to try to make sure there is at least some meat in the post for my partner to react to. Sometimes, I end up writing more when I'm trying to set a scene or if I'm playing one of my wordier OCs, but I usually don't get bogged down in really long, impenetrable walls of text. If I'm required to write more than a couple of paragraphs in every single reply, I'm not going to continue that RP because I will get fatigued very fast.

I am comfortable role-playing with people who write:

? - One or two sentences.

✔ - One or two paragraphs.

✔ - Two to five paragraphs.

? - More than five paragraphs.

✘ - A few pages worth.

I tend to at least write three-sentence posts, though they often end up being a paragraph or two and occasionally more than that, so if you're coming under that and it's not a script-style RP I will probably get frustrated. Likewise, if you're writing giant walls of text I'm not going to know what to do with that. 

Role-play Requests

I like getting requests from:

✔ - Anyone and everyone at any time!

✔ - When I ask for role-plays.

✔ - From friends and acquaintances.

If I didn't put out a request for RP, I won't promise I will agree to write with you (and even if I did ask, I'm not going to RP with every single person who offers, I would die) but you can always ask.

Romantic Relationships

** Important: Communication is the key to a real life relationship, it shouldn't be abandoned for a fictional one either! Be sure to talk to your partners when considering romance!


I am comfortable shipping my characters:

✘ - Never. 

? - Our characters know each other deeply.

✔ - Our characters know each other deeply, and I know I can trust the role-player.

✘ - At the first sign of flirting!

? - Only if the role-player and I plan it.

✔ - It depends on the character.

Some of my characters are a lot freer with romance or sex than others. Obviously, I won't be shipping any aroace characters. I don't really tend to go into RPs with the idea of shipping in mind, but if it happens naturally it happens. I don't usually agree to shipping with people I don't actually trust to respect my boundaries, so if you're not already a friend of mine, talk to me if you think a relationship is in the cards? I don't necessarily need to plan out all of the beats of a relationship, I feel they form naturally rather than as something that is schemed between the players—that always feels forced to me—but check with me if you want to know if I'm okay with shipping that particular OC.

If you are a minor, you absolutely cannot have any sexual relationships between your OCs and my OCs, even if the OCs themselves are adults (obviously, if the OCs are minors there will be no sex whatsoever regardless of who you are or what your age is). I am okay with innocent romantic relationships, but I am an adult and I do not engage with children in sexual ways, which includes allowing my OCs to have sex with a minor's OCs, even if it is not being written or drawn. Offscreen sex is still sex. Absolutely not.

If you want to ship with my characters:

? - Talk to me about it from the start.

✔ - Talk to me about it once our characters know each other.

✔ - Talk to me about it once they both have some feelings for each other.

✘ - Talk to me about it when they finally decide that want to go beyond hugging.

I'd like to make sure that they are actually compatible before you start writing under the assumption that your OC is dating mine, but I don't ever agree to ship characters that have never met, so there's not much point asking me about shipping my OC with yours if they don't know each other! I'm not against the idea of a relationship that doesn't go well, or is one-sided/unrequited, etc, but I want to make sure we're on the same page about how things are turning out so that if it does turn out that our characters are not compatible romantically/sexually, there's no hurt feelings over it.


When shipping my characters, I like the romance to happen:

✘ - Swift as lightning! 

✘ - Fast, but not super fast.

- Happens in about three months.

- Slow and steady wins the race.

✘ - Slugs know what's up!

✔ - My relationships know no speed. They happen if they happen.

Relationship development is natural with me, not something I deliberately steer. If a ship happens, it happens. I do not like love-at-first-sight bullshit, I think that's a recipe for an incredibly shallow flash-in-the-pan ship that has no actual depth, but I also don't like deliberately dragging out the relationship for the slow buuuurn omgggggg. Some characters and pairings will just fall in love faster. Some will take longer. The pace should be set by the OCs, not by the players.


When my characters gets intimate, I prefer:

✔ - To skip the act entirely. 

✔ - To write the build up, but skip the act.

- To write the act only if it is very special, but otherwise skip it.

✘ - To write the act all the way through.

As a rule: I do not write sex. Especially not with people who aren't my partner. I'm not against, necessarily, you writing it and showing it to me if you ask me first, but I will not participate in ERP. Cuddling, smooching, sure, I might even write the occasional Raunchy Flirty Touch, and I'll write my characters clearly driving a situation towards sex if that's what the OC wants, but I'm not actually going to RP sex acts themselves with you.

Romantic Artwork

When it comes to artwork depicting our relationship please:

- Do not post it at all without talking to me.

✔ - Post it if it is cuddles and hugs.

✔ - Post it if it is kisses.

✔ - Post it if it is much more.

✘ - Do not post it at all if it depicts sexual acts!

✘ - Do not post it where I can see it, but draw what you like!

Some of my characters are open to flings, but you need to ask me for consent before you draw porn of characters that are not in an established relationship. It's really important to me that my characters remain in-character, so I don't really want you to make assumptions about what a character would and wouldn't be okay with. You can draw and post romance and sex acts without asking me only if our characters are actually in a relationship and you know that OC's boundaries.


** Important: Always be sure to communicate with your partner individually if you think you are about to go outside their comfort zones even just the slightest bit!!


When it comes to violent situations, I am comfortable with:

✘ - No violence at all!

✔ - I'm fine with verbal arguments!

✔ - Some violence, like a paper cut, or an accidental elbow to the face.

✔ - Mild violence, such as punching, kicking, hair pulling.

- Violence, such as stabbings.

- Beyond violence, such as torture and more.

Violence between characters happens sometimes. I'm not in the business of restricting it, since it doesn't really bother me. If you want to get really explicit about permanent injury, torture, and brutality, though, please talk to me first? That's a very serious situation and I'd like to plan it out a bit more to make sure that it doesn't end with lasting, crippling damage or death that I didn't consent to.

If you are going to do something violent, please:

✘ - Don't do it at all.

✔ - Talk to me about it first.

- Surprise me!

Like I said above, attacks or brutality that result in permanent maiming or death are things you need to talk with me about first. Obviously, sometimes characters are going to be in conflict and fight, or some character who is a murderer will target someone. It happens. I have an OC that is a serial killer, I'm not afraid of violence. However, I don't want my OCs to be badly injured, crippled, or killed without my consent, because it can easily fuck up plans I have for that OC's character arc or narrative development.

Dramatic Artwork

✘ - Do not post any dramatic scenes that that happened between our characters.

- Talk to me about it before posting!

✔ - Post what you like!

If it's something that actually happened between our OCs in the RP, absolutely you can go ahead and draw it and post it! You don't even have to ask. Just make sure to give it appropriate CWs if it's something savage that could trigger people. If it's something that hasn't actually happened in-RP, talk to me about it first so we can actually talk through the events leading up to the violence and see if it's in-character before you draw it!


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