Help with names

Posted 1 month, 23 days ago by LoWenaH

Uhhh my Tbn folder is getting way too big, would apriciate some help, they just got random Latvian words as place holders for now😅

needs names here-

if i use your name i can do little doodle for you( your character+ mine that you named, or just yours if that you prefer)


Basickly any new name wil be better then this stuff😂


I think Radicata might be a good name (Radi for short) for the tongue guy. Radicata is a type of plant that has the nickname cat ear, and that guy has cat ears I think lol. Anyway, I think Radi could be a pretty cool name :3

also Lacis, looks like an Oliver or a Bernie, something cute like that :3

Ohh Oliver do be tempting rn

Oliver is one of my favorite cute names :3 <3

First thing i thought of when i glanced at 'Puderis' was Caelus idk why
second thought was Nimbus or something else clouds/sky adjacent might be fitting

I already have a Cealus, two people cant have the same name aperantly😂

and honestly didnt know Nimbus had a meaning, looked it up now, i tought it was an insult, like a synonym for stupid? :|

understandable multinameing can cause confusion lol

also you're probably thinking of "nimrod" which does in fact mean stupid

Ah yes i totaly knew those were two separate words /s
