having a rough time.

Posted 2 months, 11 days ago by caribou

what time are you seeing this

8 Votes morning
10 Votes day
16 Votes evening
17 Votes late at night

hello! there’s a lot going on irl right now and i honestly am not feeling very well so i thought id just send a heads up

there’s a lot of schoolwork and personal issues that I am currently working through unfortunately 

on the more site-oriented side, two things!

- fully taking usd now! additionally, another lil bump for the purge > https://toyhou.se/25976999.purge-please-help 

(got someone to help me with a voucher account!)

-  if i owe you something, please remind me 😭😭😭 i promise i seriously don’t mind, even constant reminders would honestly be appreciated at this point

i’m trying to keep everything more organized going forward, starting obviously with the character folder and the new to-do list. just need to make sure i have all of my owed accounted for

also, footnote; im sad I didn’t really do anything for april fools this year 🙁 its been very overwhelming and its hard to keep up with everything, including trying to think of inspiration for tomfoolery


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