April 5th Updates

Posted 1 month, 15 days ago by toonilumi

Hello ^_^ it's me again!

I've been kind of neglecting Toyhouse... not because I've lost interest but because I've actually been working on my own Neocities site! It's really exciting, but the hurdles I have to jump right now are the biggest. I will totally let you guys know when I have it up. 

Similarly, I'm working on setting up a Ko-Fi, which is also really really exciting! I will also announce when it's up.

In the meantime, I've been working on some things around here.

x. Updated my profile... It looks a whole lot nicer now I think!

x. Slowly cleaning up ribbons that died in the discord purge + adding some new ones!

x. Updated The Lunium Project's description (and name) to better fit the plot.

x. Currently holding some characters on the backburner... More will be incoming eventually. Two Lunium characters and two characters for an unspecified fandom.

x. I have ribbons now! There's only Toontown ribbons right now (because I couldn't find any other ones) but I'm looking to add more in the future ^_^

Thank you all for reading! This was supposed to be out yesterday but... guess who forgot. meeee....


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