Commissions OPEN and why i left

Posted 1 month, 13 days ago by Oooosie

My health has gotten better. Opening commissions again. This may or may not be the last time so get while you can!

Bust/Half body: 55$

Doodle page: PWYW min 15$

Prices are can be negotiated Cashapp only OPEN SLOWS

If you are wondering where I went or why i left. I am going to be leaving for good once Kapitain is paid off by her new owner. A lot of bad things that my ex did that ruined a lot of things. I had to go through a lot and so did other people. Im learning to heal.


Is this about Vivir? ):

Yes he was a groomer and cheated on me several times.

Bruhhh wtf, ew


That’s disgusting. I’m so glad you’re out of that situation!!! 

thank you. I handled the situation pretty badly at first but im learning to heal.

I'm sending you much hugs. Ik we kinda stopped talking but I still hope for only the absolute best from you 🫂

Thank you wishing you the best as well.

your ex being vivir? :,0

If so that’s shocking af because they were talking about a wedding 


regret that very much

Yes he was a groomer and cheated on me several times.

???!!! THE WHAT- 


did you guys have like an age gap or was he just creepy?  D:

He was younger than me by a month or two and he ended up cheating on me with like a 14 year old i was 21 and he was 20

the way my jaw dropped

is the 14 year old ok? D:

i hope now they are

2 Replies